Filmora Pro Option and Preference pt1

filmora pro video editor advanced editing effects and motion graphics made easy this series of tutorials are going to teach you how to edit in filmora pro from start to finish hi everyone my name is Johnny and this is the first of a two-part tutorial.
 where we'll be learning about the options in filmora pro this will help us personalize our experience with filmora pro to get a more optimized workflow out of it to access filmora pro's preferences.

Go up to the menu bar and click file options if you're using film or a pro on Mac you may need to go up to the menu bar at the top of your screen and click wondershare filmora Pro preferences or command-comma the options window will open and on the left side we have ten tabs and throughout this two-part tutorial we'll be going over each one of them the first tab is the general tab the maximum undo option is how many steps taken in filmora pro that will be recorded for us to undo at any point if you experiment a lot with your edits.

It's great to have a larger number just keep in mind a larger number of steps may affect performance the default template is the project settings that will be loaded when we create a new file if we're doing a lot of videos with the same format it's a good idea to select the right template here to speed up the process when we drop a piece of media that doesn't have time duration like an image a plane or text by default.
it will be imported as a 150 frames long clip over here we can change this default duration when we create a new project the default duration on its settings will be five minutes we can set a different default duration in this box there are three ways we can display the audio waveforms and here we can choose between them this will affect.

How we see them on the trimmer and on the timeline the RMS amplitude will help us see smaller differences in the audio waveforms Channel composite will show us the complete waveform with its up-and-down Peaks and the channel list option will show both the left and right channels if the audio clip is stereo enabling this option down here will save your interface layout with the project file when loading a project the saved layout becomes your workspace this next option will change.

How filmora Pro will search for and locate the files imported into the project when we open the project by default filmora Pro will use the absolute file path to find a file for example user slash tutorial slash document however when we activate this option filmora Pro will use a relative path which means it will depend on where the project file is located this option is great if we want to send a folder encompassing both the filmora Pro project and the media files to be edited on another computer.

When we drag the playhead through the timeline or move frame by frame the more Pro will play a sound segment that is corresponding to that moment in time we can deactivate this feature with this option and this last option will affect how the audio waveforms appear in the timeline if we use logarithmic scaling we'll have an easier time seeing smaller piece next we have the interface tab here we can choose the language of filmora Pro if we choose system language the Laura Pro will use the language of our computer's operating system.

If it's available you can preview your footage in full-screen mode on a second display if you activate this option that full screen preview will be hidden when filmora Pro is not active if you're using filmora Pro for Mac the option to use the native menu bar will put the toolbar items of filmora pro on the mac OS top menu bar switching this option off moves the menu items inside the interface of filmora pro the settings marked with an asterisk will take effect after restarting filmora pro on the display tab.

We can choose how the media panel and the editor panel will look by default these options can also be changed for every project in the panel itself there will be several controllers on the viewer screen that will let us settings or get certain information about our edit that are good to count on but you might want to see the results of your edit without distractions that's where these preferences come in handy the checkerboard background will be shown wherever there's transparency.

We can turn it on and off with this box the next box can activate a display of the coordinates of the mouse in the corner of the viewer screen the on-screen controls by default will hide during playback on the next box.

well can choose to let them be visible the next option will show or hide the options for adjusting the settings of each effect we apply when we animate the position of a piece of media in filmora Pro we'll see a motion path in the viewer here we can choose if we want to see it or not and how many keyframes long we want to see our motion path for once we've changed any settings.

We want to keep we can confirm them by clicking on OK or we can restore the default values of each tab if we want so that's an in-depth look at how you can modify some of your preferences in filmora pro to learn about the rest of the options in filmora pro make sure to check out our second part of this tutorial there's no limit to what you can make.