FilmoraPro Color Correction
filmora pro video editor advanced editing effects and motion graphics made easy this series of tutorials are going to show you the basics of editing and filmora pro from start to finish hi everyone my name is Johnny and in this tutorial we're going to learn the basics of color correction we'll learn how to apply effects Auto options basic tools and lots in professional video editing there are two main processes related to color color correction is done first to balance the image to look as close as possible to.
How the human eye sees things and color grading is a more artistic process to change the aesthetic or mood of the video on the Edit screen we have the effects panel this is a library of effects that we can apply to our Clips they're classified into folders for each type of effect as you can see there's a folder for color correction and another one for color grading effects to apply an effect.
We can drag and drop it over the clip on the timeline that.
We want to apply it to we can apply an effects to multiple Clips by selecting those clips and dragging an effect to one of the selected clips once an effect is applied to a clip it can be adjusted or modified on the controls panel this will affect only one clip at a time there are three automatic effects for color correction auto color Auto contrast and auto levels these effects will automatically calculate how much to adjust the clip so as soon as we apply any of them the clip will immediately look better although we can still adjust three settings the threshold below which colors in a video will not be affected by this effect blend with original sets how much the color will affect the clip by default the automatic effects will calculate how much to adjust every frame the clip but if we activate the select frame box.
We can choose one frame of the clip to calculate the adjustment for the rest of the clip to deactivate the effect we can click on the box next to the effects name and if we want to eliminate the effects from the clip we can simply select the effects name and hit delete when we apply some manual color correction effects to our clip we don't see any difference until we adjust them in the controls panel let's see some of the most basic color correction effects brightness and contrast once we apply this effect we'll see it in the controls panel if we click on this small arrow it will open its options here we'll have two sliders that.
We can move to the left or the right to select how much to effect the clip if we move the brightness slider to the right the image will look brighter and if we move it to the left it will look darker on the right of the slider we have a numeric value of the slider we can also drag from this number or click and write the precise value we may want to apply the contrast is the amount of difference between light and dark tones if we decrease the contrast of the image it will look flat or adult while increasing the contrast will make the image look punchy we can also select a preset on the upper box this would be a combination of these two values for a faster setup let's try another effect the color temperature is the characteristic of visible light that on our clip.
Will originally depend on the lighting of the actual scene and the settings on the camera but with this effect we can tweak it a little bit and correct it a lower value will make our clip tend towards orange which will produce a warmer feeling of the image conversely a higher value will give us a bluer tone and a colder feeling like most effects if we tweak them too much they might end up destroying the quality of the image so.
it's always good to do this in moderation as an example this image is too warm so I'll use this effect to neutralize the colors turning the effect on and off so we can check the difference from before to now let's try an effect for color grading the LUT effect a lot is a pre scented combination of effects to give a specific look to the image filmora Pro offers some great Luntz that are based on the look of movies and series applying these Luntz will instantly give a strong mood to our clip we can lower the strength with this slider and we can even download more Luntz from the internet to apply them to our projects there are many sites that offer paid and free lights in different formats filmora pro.
works with the dot cubelet format so i'll try one of the packages that are available for free on this site if you want to try it out for yourself there's a link in the description once we've downloaded the file we can look at the let effect in the controls panel and click on the folder icon to locate the file in this case this will be the cube format folder as soon as we open it it will be applied to the clip so that's an overall look at some color correction tools to learn more about editing in film or pro make sure to check out our other tutorials in the series there's no limit to what you can make You.
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