Designed for Beginners Filmora9 Tutorial
Hi there Jamie Keith here today a teachers tech hope you're having a great day today today I want to show you filmora 9 now this I must say is one of the easiest video editors I've seen it's not a free one you do have to pay $60 if you want the non watermark on it but you can download it for free and test everything out on it to see if you like it if you are looking for something free I'll put links to other tutorials have on free video editors but.
if you don't mind paying a little bit this is a great one to use extremely easy and can give you great results for many things from doing personal videos or uploading to YouTube so this tutorial will go through the basics of using filmora 9 time stamp everything down below so you can jump around to different parts so just take a look at the description for those and plus I'll add the link to flick filmora down below too so you can go to the site and check it out so let's get started on this tutorial today with filmora 9 so I'm just gonna start right away opening up Fillmore and nine and you can see I'll be working out of this video folder with video assets and media assets that.
I have down below here when Fillmore opens up it will prompt you to create a new project or it will also show you a list of different ones that you have saved before so like for this one I could open this up or you could open other projects by looking I'm gonna just hit new project for the example today you can see alpha more at nine just pops open right away before I go wide I'm using Windows 10 today but if you're on other operating systems such as Mac Fillmore and nine will also work I'm gonna import my my media right away so just by clicking on this one it's gonna open up to a folder that I can find so I know in this case I'm gonna be on my desktop and I should have a filmora folder right there.
I could bring one media one video in at a time and hit open and you can see how it goes in here or I could bring multiple ones so if I right-click it now and go to view I could go to absolutely import and I could bring more in so I could select multiple ones and hit open and another way I could do it it would be go to file and you can see under the all the file menus all the different things so do check out all the different options you have up there too but import media and let's say I wanted to bring in the rest of these so you can see all the different ones I brought in to take a quick look notice of the icon in the top right hand corner this shows that it's video this one shows that it's an image and this one shows that it is audio I can take a different look at this.
so I didn't want these thumbnails large thumbnails I can click here and go to a different view let's say I wanted to list view just with the names and the size of everything or I could switch to a different view with the thumbnail slides for the tutorial today I'm gonna be using the large thumbnail view now that I've got everything in I also like to save things right away as you start like as I start from the very beginning so just go up here file save project and in this you can see I have an example video here so I'm just gonna call this tutorial here and go ahead and hit save and then as I go along and work on it I'll just be able to save the project as I go through it so just in case something crashes on you.
you can be backed up that way now I want to bring things quickly down to my timeline Filmore and makes it very easy to do this if I just hover over I can hit the plus right away and it's gonna bring it down it's saying that this isn't matching the settings and I'm just gonna say match to media on this one and you can see it got brought down in this case where there's audio underneath it and if I drag this back I can hear it's gonna be a bit of the wave and I have just a video on top if you don't want it you could go ahead and hit delete and it's gone the other thing is you can view any of these videos just by double-clicking on them without bringing them down to the timeline so I you can just view it here if you want to see what each one is go ahead and just double click on it and you could listen to the audio doing the same way now.
I'm gonna bring this back down I hit the plus the first time you could just drag if you wanted to also so if you want to drag your videos down you can do this and the other thing is you can zoom up and zoom out on it depending on how when you're working on it so if you want to say zoom up on a specific part to get closer you can see as I increase it this way or bring it back to the other way I can also just say fit to the screen so it's going to go across the timeline in just that simple click to it I can also just drag in here so inside the timeline just click and hold on your mouse and you can see how I can adjust it in a hurry like that so let's bring in some more video so I get the one video down below here I want to bring in a second one and notice that where.
I have the playhead over here at the beginning if I hit the plus now that's where the next video gets put into it so it gets puts it in front of it so if I I'm gonna zoom out so you can see more and I'm gonna bring this over to here and if I hit this next one you notice there's a gap between because that's where I had it listed and that's where it's going to go so you can set up your playhead then hit the plus and then it's gonna go to that spot if you wanted to get rid of this gap all you have to do is just simply drag over and it's gonna snap snap to it like so I can bring in multiple things too so if I wanted to let's say bring these three things in so this is audio and I have an image and.
I also have another video I'm gonna bring these three things in at once I'm gonna straggling down and you see there's the image and then there's the other video and the audio here so if I play it like so so if you did want to bring everything down at once it's very easy to do just by selecting them now that you've brought things down you can move things around very quickly if I wanted this to be in a different order just select it and grab it and drag it and you can move things around to get in the exact order that you want you can create new tracks very easy just drag things up it actually already created the one when I brought in the other video but if I wanted another third track you can see it creates them right on the side here so if you do like working in the multiple tracks and keeping sort of your videos that's the way I like to do it but you can just drag them up and it will automatically create or you can hit the plus here and you'll see the option add video track at audio track right through here so that's how you can quickly bring in your your audio your video your pictures into this and just start sorting things out on your timeline so let's start some basic editing here.
I'm gonna go ahead and bring one of the videos this one I'm just gonna hit the plus and bring it down to my video one track and I'm gonna do some trimming on this one so different ways I can do this this is about 26 seconds long this one so let's say there's something on the end that I don't want what I can do is if I bring my mouse to this I can drag in and trim the end off of it so I can also do this also from the other side I could drag it in so I've cut from the from the one end the end of it and also from the beginning so if you want to trim that it's very easy now another thing to remember is the undo button right over here if you've done some editing realize you don't want it just go ahead and hit the undo you also have your redo here too the other way I like to do editing is just with the clip tool right here so the split tool and what you do is if you drag your playhead to a certain spot and you just go ahead and hit clip it cuts it right there so if you wanted something out in the middle of this.
I could go and maybe if I knew it was there the other piece I could go ahead and clip it now I have this piece here you can see as I drag it up I could delete this one so if there was some editing that you filmed and you wanted to cut something out in the middle and then bring your two video clips together like so and then it would just have that part out of it so you can do some really quick editing there now I'm just gonna go ahead and delete these two.
so I've selected both of them I'm gonna bring in this teachers tech intro that I use here I'm gonna match two media and when I hit play you can see it's very slow and so I need to adjust the time on this one and there's also the speed right here so if I go ahead and I could go slow do I want to faster I'm gonna go to custom speed here and I'm gonna just drag it so if I want it to be you can see if I want it to be faster I want this to be about three seconds here so I could increase this to get it to the point where I wanted to so maybe I'm just gonna put I'm just gonna click in here and actually put a number in so I'm going to put six in here if I don't like that I could maybe I'm gonna go five so now it's about two seconds long so I'm gonna go four and you can see how I can adjust it and start getting the way I want it to so there's my three seconds I'm gonna sit eight okay and nothing clipped out of it but it did was speeded up so if I go ahead and play this again you can see it's running out of Matt much faster pace so those are some kind of the basic editing that you can do in film or it.
you can see how quick it is another thing that I'm going to show you is the crop tool so if I go ahead and let's say take this video again that I was using and I want to zoom up on a certain area so let's say these two people walking on the beach this crop tool here if I click on it I can go ahead and pick an area so if I just want to focus on them I'm gonna zoom up even more in the aspect ratio keep it the same so hit OK and then you notice it zoomed up so now I can hit go ahead and hit play and I'm zoomed right up so that crop is a very easy tool to use just like all of these between some of the simple editing that you can do and then just lining up everything the way you want in the tracks that you have set up so you can see how easy film or a9 is to edit in so let's work with a little audio down I'm first of all I'm gonna drag or put this one down into my timeline here and this one I showed.
you before it actually you can see the audio that's attached to this video and it's just the waves so maybe you don't want that audio to sound in to play during it so what you can do if I right click on any of these clips you're gonna see that you have lots of different options that you can do with this so I could mute this but what I want to do is detach the audio and what it does is it takes it away from the video and puts it into the audio 1 soundtrack so now what I can do at that point is just go ahead if I didn't want that at all let's say I'm gonna put some music and I can just go ahead and delete this so it's very easy.
just to right click detach the audio and then delete it do check out all the features that you have on your right screen on your right click on it many of these features are going to be different ones that I show you but it's just a quick way to get them and then you can look at all the shortcuts right beside like I just on the right hand column now if I was gonna put in I'm gonna put in a few more videos here to line things up I'm gonna put in some more audio here I'll just snap that one close together and move it over here the one thing.
I wanted to note when do your editing if you drag it over top it actually Clips away the one video that you drag it over top of so you can see I brought it over top of it now it's gonna be clipped on that one now I'm gonna bring in audio you saw me and bring in audio from before I have this wicked surf one I can add it and it puts it down here below actually I want this lined up so I'm gonna drag it over again and I'm just gonna bring it back to here and play all right so that's really loud what I can do at that point is go over here to the audio mixer if I click on it I'm gonna what I'm gonna do is bring down you can see all the different ones that.
I have I have that on audio one so it's this one so I can adjust each track differently depending on how I want the audio to sound but this is much too loud here so I'm gonna hit play from here you can hear now it's a lot quieter here so maybe I want to bring it down maybe I just want it so subtle you can also do the over the master one here which would bring everything so I'm just gonna hit okay now if I hit play again it's much quieter here so that's how you can adjust some audio other things I want to note with the audio here would be just going up here so I brought my own audio in here but you can see that there's a lot of different ones here too so if I go ahead and bring in I'm just gonna bring in this one I'm not sure what it sounds like again I dragged drug it down I could have just hit the plus on it so it's downloading the content because a lot of with filmora it connects and then downloads it I'm gonna delete this one right here and hit play and.
I have this audio in here so there's lots of different options with the audio here you can bring into your own or use what Tamura has for you to that you can bring in they have lots of good Tunes that will help you with your video editing now so that just shows a little bit about the audio very simple to use just like all the other Filmore aspects so let's go ahead and add some titles now I've already showed you audio that are here if I move across titles are right here and they have this big list of different titles that you can look at I'm just gonna pick a simple one for this one this right here this preset so if I go ahead and hit plus it's gonna add it to where my playhead is your so if I hit Plus you can see it drums in right there to see what this looks like if I just rewind a bit hit play and you can see the title comes in now I don't want to say directed by Jane.
Doe so what I'm gonna do is just double click on this so when I double click on this I have the options to start editing so right away I'm wanted to say something else and I'll just say hello and I'll go to the second line here and I'll just say everyone I can change the text on this quickly so if I go through you can see the long list I'll just change it to there I'll make sure you can see this as I change it and I can change the size the font and you can see the other options that I have so if I go ahead and hit play now you can see it kind of grow through there I can also change the animation to this one so if I want it to you can kind of see the list if I find something.
I like I can go ahead and go to it if I want this one just double click on it and it's applying that animation to it you can also go over here to the preset and you have the list of colors I could change the color text spacing and everything down here let's quickly I could this and I'll hit just OK now and you can see I have this new text that will come up probably not the best one to use because it's so because it matches the colors and doesn't show up so if I wanted to go to edit here and change it to the yellow I can make that change hit okay so now it's gonna stand up stand out a lot better to it so very quickly you can add those titles you can move these titles all around too so if I didn't want us there I can drag it to a different spot to it I could move it to a different layer if you're looking even for more different ones you can go it up here to the effects store click on that and you can connect and there's ones for free and once you can purchase I am gonna do a little bit of a different video.
I'm gonna open this up just on the advanced features here where you can go through and add a few more features to get it more exact but I'll save that for a different time so that's how you can add some text to your video very quickly and easily inside filmora looking beside the titles you're gonna find transition so right through here where you're gonna use transitions are between different video clips or images that you have now to do so I'm gonna select the clip that I want and I'm just gonna have this one in the middle right here and I'm gonna select it you can see that there's the green line around it and I'll just use maybe I'll just do this split one right here.
so I'm gonna hit the plus and you can see what it did it added the transition to each end and I'm gonna show you how to modify these too so what does it look like I'll just go actually in between these two right here and I'll hit play and just like that now you can go through and change these if I wanted a stretch if I want a longer transition I can stretch this out like so and if I hit play now it's gonna be slower longer transition I can double click on this so if I double click on this I get some options so maybe I wanted to be between the two clips so if I go ahead like this and hit overlap but you can see now it moved in between the two clips I can change my my timing right up here.
so if I wanted it shorter and I can also click apply to all I'm just gonna leave it like this one right now hit okay now if I hit my play you can see it right through here I can go back and make my adjusted adjustments through here if I wanted it shorter also and you can also delete but maybe I don't want this front trend in Lake right here and I go ahead and hit delete and.
I go through so if I wanted to bring down more media so if I was bringing down another one here I can go ahead and select my my transitions that I want just by going up and then bringing them down I can drag them down also just like what I showed you with the other ones or hit the plus and go through and modify it the way you like let's dive into the effects now now after transitions you can see a little star up here I'm gonna select it you can see all these custom effects are already created you just have to add it to it now you can preview any of these ones so if this BMW noise here if I double click it you can see it gives me an example of what it looks like here .
but you probably want to see what it looks like on your own so what you can do is so if I click on a clip so maybe this one here and then I go ahead and double click on this now just wait a second and then what you're gonna get is the actual clip with that effect added on it hasn't added to it yet it's just giving you a preview so if you like what you see at that point you can hit the plus to it and now remember it went down here because because that's where I had my that's where I had my playhead so if I drag this I want that wanted it on this one I can bring it back over so just in case you brought it to the wrong spot so if I go ahead and hit play now you can see that it will stop when that ends so I can grab the ends of this and stretch this out here to be longer \.
if I want it to be the whole clip or different parts they clip I can stretch it out that way you can also double click on it and then you can also adjust if you didn't want it maybe because the elf is so powerful you can hit it ok and then it will just have that slight look to it again you can delete any of these if you would like to or you can add remember to have the clip open if you want to preview it to go ahead and double click if you like it and then add it after that now down below you also have your overlays so overlays will work on another layer on top so if I wanted to for example to add a frame to this you can see all the different ones here I could go through the list and try to find exactly what I want but I'm just gonna add let's say this blue one right here.
so I'm gonna want it on this one I can preview it again on it so I'm gonna double click on this one and actually we're gonna watch them so you can see it's loading up and then it's going to preview what this might look like if I like what I want I'm gonna move my playhead over and then add it here and I've added now I'll hit play and I've added this frame to it you can see it's a video frame too with the edges moving and again I can stretch this out so it's longer so you can see that these effects are very easy to add you can go through and again like any of the other ones that I've showed you you can go to the effects store and even get more from there but go ahead and just start playing with these basic ones to add a lot of customization to your videos before we get to our exporting of our video I just want to show you the elements features too so this kind of works like if facts here it's the last part right here you have with these number of different things that you can bring over in a different layer you can see that you go through the list and check them out through here I just have it listed as all and I'll just go through and show you let's say I want to put this one here.
so I want to bring my playhead over here and I'm just gonna hit the new one plus it's gonna download it and then I have this badge over top of it that you can see if I hit play that's added to it so you can go ahead and add these elements to it if you want more elements or if you want more of the all the different effects go up to the top right hand corner and you can look at this right up here the download and when you do purchase or when you are using it you get you can log into your account and you can have all these popular effects if I scroll down a little bit you can see they have free ones too so if I wanted the emoji one I could down load it and it's gonna add it to my to my effects here so if I close out of this you can see all these are sorry in my elements all these emojis were just added to it that quickly and then I can go ahead and add it to it so go through and some are free and some where you have to purchase but it gives you a lot of options to add even more to it so that kind of sums up kind of the intro part to filmora.
that i want to show you i'm gonna have other videos on things like using your green screen with it and recording using the sound recording and screen capture on it so it can do a lot more than just your basic editing filmora so make sure you.
you check out later but let's get to our export function now - how do we get this to save this to our desktop as a video or upload it to youtube so let's say you've finished up your video and you want to export it as a finished video we've saved our project as we went along but that's a little bit different we want to be able to upload this YouTube or save it as a video on our computer you can see that the export is right here or you have export right here and they'll bring you to the same thing so I'm just gonna hit export and you can see it kind of defaulted to the YouTube setting if I wanted to save it just on my computer .
what I would do is go through and pick the formats that I wanted so let's say maybe I want it as an mp4 I would give it a name right here I would find the location where do I want to save this you'd go and find your path and then you can go ahead and your settings you can see there now this is a high def at 1920 by 1080 you do have your settings that you can adjust through this one but for me a lot of the videos that I make I'd want to go directly to YouTube and what it does for me through this part is that you can sign in to youtube so I could give it my title.
so I'm just gonna say test and the quality is what I wanted at a 1920 by 1080 and I could give it a description a lot of times when I upload to YouTube what I do is I keep it private at first and then I change it to make sure I'll write my description and everything but then.
what I do is the export here and then it's going to say please sign in to your YouTube channels so then at that point you just put in your sign in credentials on YouTube and it's gonna upload it right to YouTube so that gives an easy path but the other way you can see we have options of DVD Vimeo and the different devices here but I know for a lot of you it's either going to be saving it to local or to youtube so Fillmore can still do other things too so I'll have some more videos coming out on some of the other features it's a very easy product to use check out the links down below for other options or other video editors - thanks for watching this time and I'll see you next week on teachers tech
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