Edit Like Zach King with Filmora 9
People have often asked me, "Hey Daniel, is it possible to do any of those crazy Zach King effects in Filmora?" Stick around, I'll show you how. Hit the subscribe button and click the notification bell to be part of the conversation.
This effect is actually pretty easy to pull off The real trick is the same thing I talk about in almost every video and that's setting up your shot I set up a cutting board and a frying pan on the stove and I tried to light it as evenly as possible. I reached in and bounced a ping-pong ball on the cutting board to convince everybody.
it was a real ping-pong ball then I bounced it right into the frying pan as you can see it bounced right off the frying pan wasn't even hot and it went right off the stump but what I did next was I turned on the stove underneath that frying pan I took an egg and put it into a cup and I made sure I stayed way out of shot got centered over the pan and brought my hand straight up out of the shot as much as possible then all I did was dump that egg into that hot frying pan now.
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I had all the pieces that I needed to create this effect what I did next was I took that first section and went right to the spot where the ping-pong ball hit the frying pan from here I went up under the preview window and took a snapshot the next thing I did was bring that snapshot down right at that spot and lay it into a track above my main footage what that made this scene do was freeze in time right when the ping-pong ball hits the next thing I did was to right-click on that freeze the frame goes up to the crop and zoom feature and in the ratio dropdown.
I set it to custom I then grabbed the left side of this image and brought it over right to the frying pan and clicked ok now the image tends to center itself so all I did was left click up in the preview window and drag it over to the right to get it aligned back up with the footage underneath.
you can go right to the split point and see if it's a little a bit off I can see I need to move a little bit to the right with it I'll left-click on that and use the arrow keys of my keyboard to nudge it over just a tiny bit once I found I had that lined up perfectly I went and grabbed the second half of the footage where I dropped the egg into the frying pan I did the same thing and I moved forward right to where that egg hits the pan and I sliced the footage.
I got rid of the first half and then brought that back over right above where I have the other ones lined up so now right when that ping-pong ball hits it turns into the egg footage which doesn't match perfectly but we can take care of that an easy way is to go up to your effects tab go down to utility and choose an image mask and bring that down onto your upper track.
this will allow you to put a mask on to your upper footage if you turn off your other tracks you'll be able to see the mask more clearly let's left-click on that footage again and under the video tab scroll down to video effects and we can control this mask the first thing.
we'll want to do is shrink it down quite a bit and let's see if we can get that positioned in place so it's just sort of mimicking the bottom of the pan that's fairly close let's turn on the other tracks and take a peek now the coloring is a little bit off I can see it so I'll double left-click on that upper footage in my timeline goes up to the color option I'm gonna scroll down to the tone option this way I can pull some of the brightness back so it tends to blend in with the bottom of that pan a little better that looks pretty close let me render that out quickly I'm gonna extend the image out to the end of my original footage and if I did this right after my bounce my ping pong ball should come up land in the pan and look just like an egg splattering in the pan... pretty cool huh?" if you want to learn more Filmora tips tricks and techniques make sure you click on the video that's on-screen now or the other ones I'll link down below Peace!
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