Editing Green Screen Video Filmora 9 

Filmora 9

What is compositing simply put compositing is when you take two or more clips and you combine it into one that’s how green or blue screen works so you want to see how we achieve this effect let’s get started let’s say you want to composite these two clips together.

The first clip is with your actor performing in front of a green screen the second clip is your background footage first you want to place your background footage in the first track anything you place above this track will be shown above it if you have many tracks stacked on top of each other the top one will be the one in the foreground and the bottom one will be the one in the back next.

We will place the green screen and blue screen footage on the track above now that we have the clips aligned we will use the chroma key to get rid of the green screen you can do this by right-clicking on the clip in the timeline selecting green screen and checking the chroma key green screen feature after that you could tweak the setting until it looks right offset tolerance and alpha channel allows.

You to adjust the clarity of your background while edge thickness and edge feather enable you to fix the edges of your subjects I think this looks pretty good you will often find that your frame will capture a part of your set that isn’t a part of the subject or the green screen as you can see here in the example there is stuff in the frame that you don’t need you cannot key it out.

But you also don’t want it in your final video here’s how you do it right-click on your green screen footage in the timeline then select crop and zoom here you can crop out the extra space or the object by grabbing one of the corners and adjusting it so that it is out of the frame after that playback the video and make sure your subject never leaves the new smaller area that you have propped once it looks good click OK there you go I hope you go out and make some green and blue screen videos.

Filmora 9 Keyboard Shortcuts 

hey everyone its Elliott from filmora here to empower your inner video creator editing can take hours which is why many editing software have keyboard shortcuts to help you speed up the process using shortcuts might feel uncomfortable. list

When you start but the more you use it the more familiar you will become and the more time you'll save but what are these shortcuts in this video I'm going to share with you six shortcuts for film or 9 to help you become a more efficient video editor.

Let's go split to split your selected clip on your timeline align the play head where you want to cut and click ctrl B for Windows or command V for Mac if you don't have any clip selected and you have more than one clip stacked on top of each other hitting the shortcut will split all the clips so be careful.

You can always undo a split by hitting ctrl Z for Windows and command set for Mac adding markers will help you organize your workflow so you know when where to go back and edit a specific part of your video to add a marker click M on your keyboard clicking M will add a marker at the top of your timeline you can also add markers on specific Clips by clicking the clip navigating to where you want to add a marker and clicking as a bonus you can also change the name color and even add comments to a marker by hitting.

When the play head is on top of the marker you want to edit to delete a marker all you have to do is right-click on the marker and hit delete zoom in and zoom out you can zoom in and out of the timeline without having to drag the zoom slider at the top of the timeline by hitting ctrl + to zoom in and control - to zoom out this is the same on a Mac but instead of control press and hold the command button jump to next or previous edit to jump forward to your next edit or back to the previous one in your project.

Just hit the up and down arrows on your keyboard this is useful for moving forward and backward and the Edit quickly without dragging the play full screen when I edit my videos sometimes I like to view it in full screen the shortcut for this is clicking all to enter on a Windows or option return on a Mac to exit out of the full screen.

 just click the Escape key detach audio you can easily detach your audio from your selected video clip by pressing ctrl all D for Windows and command option D on a Mac there you are and these are just a handful of shortcuts available on Fillmore 9 if you're using a PC and you want to see more shortcuts simply right-click on the clip and your shortcuts will be displayed on the side of your menu items for a Mac the shortcuts will be displayed beside the menu item in the menu bar.