Filmora 9 EASY Hologram Video Effect

How to do a hologram effect like this in Filmora9. [JONY] JJ! It's Jony from the future! I need your help! Present-day Jony has become too powerful... and handsome.
EASY Hologram Video Effect filmora 9

He even has a laser blaster now. Please, I need you to help me, you're my only hope. Hey everyone, it's JJ from Filmora, here to empower your inner video creator and today I’m going to show you how to do a cool hologram effect and Filmora 9 using a photo or video footage.

This kind of effect is great for sci-fi videos or sketches and can be an awesome addition to your vlogs. Okay, let's get started. You can use this tutorial to hologram any image or video clip, but if you want to have a hologram person as we did with Jony, make sure to film in front of a black backdrop. [JONY] JJ, I need you to stop him right now before he ruins the future... To start, drag the footage you want to add a hologram to into video track 1.

Then, place the footage or photo you want to make into a hologram above it in video track 2. Now double click on the media you added to track 2 to open up the editing menu and find "compositing" Under "compositing", set your blend mode to "Screen".

Once you've added your blend mode, click into the "color" tab and click "advanced". In the advanced window, make sure you're in the "adjust" tab. The first thing I want to do here is giving this hologram a cool blue color. To do that, we're going to go to the white balance and drag the temperature slider to the left to make the hologram look blue. Click "OK" to keep the changes you made in this window.
Now it's time to add effects.

 Let's click into the effects menu and look for "chromatic aberration", then drag that directly onto the hologram in the timeline. It adds some glitching and colour separation, to sell a hologram look. Let's also add some "glitch distortion" to build that look up further. Now, let's find the "tilt-shift (linear)" in the utility folder, and add that too. This will further blur the edges of your hologram to add to that holographic look that we're going for.

These effects look alright as-is, but chromatic aberration and glitch distortion are a bit intense and depending on the media you use, "tilt-shift" might need some adjusting. Double-click on your hologram in the timeline again and click into the image or video tab, then scroll down to video effects to make adjustments. 

Drag the sliders underneath the effect's name until you're happy with your preview. I recommend setting the alpha for the glitch distortion to about 50. This hologram effect looks pretty good now but I want it to look different from when it first appears compared to while it's just sitting on the screen. So I'm going to create a section where it appears.

Starting at the beginning of the hologram in the timeline, I'm going to use the right arrow keys to jump to 10 frames. Then, make a cut using the scissor icon. Now I'm going to add one more distorted effect to this intro to emphasize that a signal is just coming in. Either "VCR distortion" or "bad tv signal" will do. And that's how you make a hologram effect in Filmora9.

Are you gonna give this effect a try? What if all of our videos become holographic in the future? Will that change the way you create videos? Whatever you think, let us know in the comment section below.