Filmora 9 Stranger things upside down effect
Welcome back to the homemade Hollywood series many of you have asked us about making effects from your favorite shows or movies in this series we'll show you how to recreate Hollywood scenes with a limited budget and filmora 9 today we're going to demonstrate.
How we made this stranger things inspired look to check it out cool right now the key to recreating a scene from a TV show or movie is recognizing the common themes looks and effects for instance in the stranger things upside-down world the setting has a muted blue tone and is very dark there are also particles floating around and the sky is stormy with a tint of red knowing this we experimented with some of the features in Fillmore 9 and the effects and film stocks to see.
How we can mimic the upside-down world here's how we did it first import your footage into your timeline to get the most accurate look make sure your footage isn't shot on a sunny day but more on an overcast day or during the blue hour which is the hour and a half or so in the day when the Sun is on the edge of the horizon now the majority of this look comes from the color correction so let's go ahead and click this icon to open up our coloring tools the first thing.
I'm going to do is bring down the temperature so the overall look is bluer then adjust the tint to add a little bit more magenta to get that dark moody look let's play around with the exposure in the color and light settings play around with your footage dragging the exposure down overall and adding a bit of contrast I'm also going to add a few vibrancies and saturation.
So when we work on the sky it'll really pop now to get our sky looking really red let's adjust the HSL tab this is where we'll really get the final look going what we want to do is change the hue of the sky from where it is now blue to red so let's click the teal circle and bring up the hue and boost the saturation to make that red really stand out pretty cool right now that we have our base look done let's add some effects for that we're gonna use a variety of built-in effects in film or 9 and a few from film stocks go to the effects panel.
The first one I'm gonna add is a chromatic aberration to get that static VHS tape look I'm also going to add the old video you can always double click on an effect it changes parameters over here let's bring down the fade parameters next let's add the static effect to get a vintage feeling to it these next few effects are from film stocks which you could download at WWF in stocks calm they are the blockbuster electricity pack the smoke volume to pack the martial arts pack and the snowpack to check them out click on the link below.
I'm gonna add the smoked fog to effect from our smoke volume to pack let's double click on it and bring down the opacity of it next from our snowpack I'm gonna add the snowfall one effect this will act as the floating bits in the upside-down world double click on the effect and go to the colour tab I want to make the snowfall look black so I'll bring down its brightness saturation and contrast all the way to zero and then adjust the temperature a little so it's on the cooler side let's also change the blend mode to soft light and bring down the opacity next.
We're going to use our martial arts pack and apply the petals pink to effect on our timeline double click and change the blending mode to darken so it becomes darker and blends in with the background footage let's also bring down the opacity a tiny bit I also want these petals to be dark and colourless so let's bring down our brightness and saturation as well last but not least let's use the blockbuster electricity pack I want to add some intense lightning in the sky.
So I'll add the electricity 19 effect on the timeline and adjust it so it happens later in the shot let's double click on the effect and change the scale and position in the editing options so it's properly positioned in the sky then double click and change the blend mode to Screen and lower the opacity a little now that I look at this I want to add more electricity effects let's go back and add electricity 9 and drop it into the timeline change the parameters for the scale and position to where you want it to switch the blend mode.
To screen and drop down the opacity now that your footage is done you can go ahead and add music or even sound effects let's export this and watch our strange things video I think it looks pretty good what do you think about our version of the stranger things upside-down world and is there a scene from a TV show or movie that you want us to remake let us know in the comments below.
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