How to Film Epic Trick Shots Filmora 9 Masking Effect

Hi everyone its Elliott from filmora here to empower your inner video creator and today I'm going to share with you four tips to help you make a better trickshot video there are many types of tricks shot video but today we are going to focus on a classic style throwing something into something else, in this case, this pen into this pen holder our first tip camera perspective.

when making a trick shot video you want the audience to see the difficulty of what you are attempting and also the target in this case they need to see where I am the trajectory of the pen and the pen holder think about it like a sporting event you want your audience to have the best seat in the house by having all three elements in the frame do a few test shots to see.

Where the best place to position your camera is trick shots are difficult and you wouldn't want to nail your shot only to discover that the footage is less than spectacular tip number two multiple cameras having an extra camera to film your trick shot will make it more dramatic.

When you edit it together it will show a different perspective of your shot and give you that instant replay feel and remember your phone can be your extra camera in our example we'll have one camera right behind the pen holder and we'll have one camera behind my shoulder when edited together we just show the distance of the throw and the result in close-up you can even use the split-screen feature in film or 9 to show the action simultaneously tip number three handheld shots.

If you don't want people to question the legitimacy of your trick shot film it handheld that will give you a more real-life feel but it will require a friend to help you out and most likely be patient with you until you hit your shot but at least they'll get to witness your awesomeness live so those are three filming tips that you could use to capture your epic trick shot.

But let's say I don't have time to perfect my trick shot well here's a sneaky editing trick that you could to get the result without all the attempts tip for masking effect first set up the camera to the side so it captures the pen holder at one end and yourself in the other lock your camera on a tripod or place it on a level surface so it doesn't move you won't be able to use handheld for this editing trick unfortunately then film your attempt at getting the pen into the pen holder.

Get it as close as possible then act as if you got it in even if you didn't but don't overdo it though next get a shot of the pen going into the pen holder make it easier for yourself going closer but remember the angle of how you threw the pen previously you want to replicate that as best as possible the arc of the pen should be near identical.

 Now let's make our trick shot and four more nine on the bottom track will have the first clip with me throwing the pen then I'm going to add the second clip with me lobbing it into the penholder and add it on top I'm going to match it as best as possible.

I'm going to cut the top clip right at the part where the pen is in the air falling into the pen holder all I need is to see it fall in now I'm going to add a mass to the top clip removing me and only having the pen hitting the target I'll do that by going up to effects and then go into the utility folder here I will select shape mask a mask effect will now be added to the clip but I'll need to modify it I'll adjust it by double-clicking on the clip in the timeline and scrolling down to the video effects section here.

I'm going to move it using the X and y-axis so it only focuses on the pen falling into the pen holder everything else in the clip is gone there you go nicely blended you can't even tell this to different clips there you go you just created a trick shot video with a bit of film or nine magic now go out and impress everybody whether you want to show off your awesome trick shot or your editing skills.